ProductSeptember 07, 2021
Integrating Quantum-Safe Security with existing encryption solutions
Securing your critical assets can be done in various ways, with various techniques. Adding a QKD layer to your infrastructure today ensures you get a
quick start towards quantum-safe security. As long as your existing infrastructure allows it, having a joint approach with one of our technology partne…
quick start towards quantum-safe security. As long as your existing infrastructure allows it, having a joint approach with one of our technology partne…
Distribution Partner
Senior Director - Channel Sales & Strategic Alliances at Id Quantique SA
Geneva, Switzerland
RequestSeptember 07, 2021
Business and Sales Partnership
We are looking in extending our partner ecosystem with the aim to better reach and serve our customers globally. If you are interested in promoting
our technology in your region or country, feel free to contact me at
our technology in your region or country, feel free to contact me at
Senior Director - Channel Sales & Strategic Alliances at Id Quantique SA
Geneva, Switzerland
ProductSeptember 07, 2021
True random number generation exploiting quantum physics
ID Quantique is the market leader in Quantum Random Number Generation. The Quantis family of products is commonly used as a trusted source of
randomness for multiple applications: to generate high-quality keys needed by cryptographic modules, to effectively protect access to private networ…
randomness for multiple applications: to generate high-quality keys needed by cryptographic modules, to effectively protect access to private networ…
Distribution Partner
Biotech and Lifescience
Senior Director - Channel Sales & Strategic Alliances at Id Quantique SA
Geneva, Switzerland
ProductSeptember 07, 2021
Quantum-Safe Security
By harnessing the unique properties of quantum mechanics, ID Quantique has developed a portfolio of quantum-safe security solutions. Our Quantum
Key Distribution (Quantum Cryptography), Quantum Key Generation and Quantum-Safe Network Encryption solutions offer unparalleled protection fo…
Key Distribution (Quantum Cryptography), Quantum Key Generation and Quantum-Safe Network Encryption solutions offer unparalleled protection fo…
Distribution Partner
Senior Director - Channel Sales & Strategic Alliances at Id Quantique SA
Geneva, Switzerland
ServiceOctober 12, 2020
R&D epitaxy services
We offer extensive research and development services. Whether you are at the concept stage of your product design, need innovative upgrades to
your existing products or seek out-of-the-box solutions, our R&D capabilities can help you seize new opportunities. We also provide our clients with te…
your existing products or seek out-of-the-box solutions, our R&D capabilities can help you seize new opportunities. We also provide our clients with te…
Jacek Strupiński
Business Developer at VIGO System S.A.
Ozarow Mazowiecki, Poland
ProductOctober 12, 2020
GaAs- and InP- related epi-wafers
We manufacture exceptionally high quality III-V epitaxial structures for use in sophisticated electronics such as lasers, photodetectors, transistors,
photovoltaic cells and other devices. As one of the few companies on the market, we offer a broad range of high quality epi-wafers, which can be pro…
photovoltaic cells and other devices. As one of the few companies on the market, we offer a broad range of high quality epi-wafers, which can be pro…
Jacek Strupiński
Business Developer at VIGO System S.A.
Ozarow Mazowiecki, Poland
Job positionOctober 02, 2020
Sales Engineer Scientific Products DACH (m/w/d)
Berlin Vollzeit M Squared ist ein mehrfach ausgezeichnetes Photonik- und Quantentechnologie-Unternehmen. Unsere Mission ist, Lichtwerkzeuge
höchster Güte einzusetzen, um wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt und die nachfolgende industrielle Anwendung zu ermöglichen und auf diese Weise drän…
höchster Güte einzusetzen, um wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt und die nachfolgende industrielle Anwendung zu ermöglichen und auf diese Weise drän…
Thomas Laurent
General Manager & Head of Sales DACH at M Squared Lasers
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Job positionOctober 01, 2020
Optical engineer in experimental quantum computing with trapped ions
The ETH/PSI Joint Quantum Computing Laboratory will explore long-standing challenges in quantum computing and information science, carrying out
superconducting-circuit and trapped-ion experiments. It will focus on new approaches and technology development that will benefit from a coherent,…
superconducting-circuit and trapped-ion experiments. It will focus on new approaches and technology development that will benefit from a coherent,…
Vlad Negnevitsky
Postdoc/engineer at ETH Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland
Job positionOctober 01, 2020
Software engineer in quantum experimental control and automation
The ETH/PSI Joint Quantum Computing Laboratory will explore long-standing challenges in quantum computing and information science, carrying out
superconducting-circuit and trapped-ion experiments. It will focus on new approaches and technology development that will benefit from a coherent,…
superconducting-circuit and trapped-ion experiments. It will focus on new approaches and technology development that will benefit from a coherent,…
Vlad Negnevitsky
Postdoc/engineer at ETH Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland
Job positionOctober 01, 2020
Quantum firmware engineer (UK)
We are offering a full-time position with highly competitive salary and company benefits including equity options. Seeqc’s international presence means
that there will be significant opportunity to travel whilst being based in London. For more details see the attached "job description" document.
that there will be significant opportunity to travel whilst being based in London. For more details see the attached "job description" document.
Marco Arzeo
Researcher at Seeqc-EU srl
Napoli, Italy
RequestOctober 01, 2020
Quantum Computing Internship in Autumn 2021 / Spring 2022 (6 months, full-time)
As part of my Master Program in Quantum Engineering at ETH Zürich I'd like to spend one full semester on an industry internship in the field of
Quantum Computing in order to experience research activities in corporate life compared to university life. Expected knowledge by then: Quantum …
Quantum Computing in order to experience research activities in corporate life compared to university life. Expected knowledge by then: Quantum …
Odiel Hooybergs
Master student Quantum Engineering at ETH Zürich
Zürich, Switzerland
ServiceOctober 01, 2020
Calibration services for photonics components
Calibration services for photonics components
Jacques Morel
Head of Photonics Time and Frequency Laboratory at Federal Institute of Metrology METAS
Bern-Wabern, Switzerland
InvestmentOctober 01, 2020
Seed funding for Blockchain based on QRNG chips.
SP8DE is a decentralised QRNG provider. Anyone with a QRNG chip will be able to run a master node and provide Quantum Randomness by injecting it
in the network.
in the network.
Seed and Development
Eugene Borchers
Founder at SP8DE Inc
Limassol, Cyprus
ProductOctober 01, 2020
Online training courses (transferable skills) for PhD students in MSCA-ITN
Biotech and Lifescience
Johannes Ripperger
Research & Innovation Manager at accelopment Schweiz AG
Zurich, Switzerland
ServiceOctober 01, 2020
Support in public Research & Innovation funding
Strategic Grant Planning, Identifying funding opportunities, Proposal writing, Project Management, Project Communication, Dissemination and
Biotech and Lifescience
Johannes Ripperger
Research & Innovation Manager at accelopment Schweiz AG
Zurich, Switzerland
RequestOctober 01, 2020
Looking for a R&D/ postdoc position in quantum computing
I am about to graduate and actively looking for R&D positions in industry as well as postdoc positions.
Meng Hua
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, United States
ExpertiseOctober 01, 2020
Topological materials
My research is focused on understanding and prediction of the topological phases, including topological semimetals, topological insulators and
topological superconductors.
topological superconductors.
Materials, Textiles and Chemicals
Meng Hua
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, United States
ProductSeptember 30, 2020
ID Quantique was the first company to develop a quantum random number generator (RNG) in 2001 and it remains the market leader in terms of
reliability, certifications and Swiss engineering, with its successive versions of hardware RNGs. Today we ship 2.5mm x 2.5mm QRNG chips for embed…
reliability, certifications and Swiss engineering, with its successive versions of hardware RNGs. Today we ship 2.5mm x 2.5mm QRNG chips for embed…
Tom Stengel
Sn. Director Business Development at ID Quantique
Geneva, Switzerland
RequestSeptember 30, 2020
Research Internship Opportunities
Hello, I am looking for Research opportunities in the field of Quantum Computing Neural Networks
Anukriti kartik
Reseracher at ELECTROKRITI Labs
DELHI, India
Job positionSeptember 30, 2020
Post Sales Consultant
planning and implementing connectivity solutions
Jonas Herrmann
dacoso GmbH
Langen, Germany
ExpertiseSeptember 30, 2020
Enterprise Asset Management
Condition monitoring, maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) planning, life cycle management, availability management, scheduling
Biotech, Pharma and Cosmetics
Food, Beverages and Agriculture
Industrial Equipment and Machinery
Automotive, Transport and Logistics
Jan BioDAC
Managing Partner at BioDAC
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands
PartnershipSeptember 30, 2020
Partnership in the area of Data Analysis of Asset Management (equipment condition monitoring)
Modern Enterpise Asset Management (EAM) encompasses condition monitoring of equipment and machinery. It will be interesting to investigate what
kind of condition monitoring, based on data analysis and machine learning (ML), could be based on Quantum Computing
kind of condition monitoring, based on data analysis and machine learning (ML), could be based on Quantum Computing
Jan BioDAC
Managing Partner at BioDAC
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands
Job positionSeptember 30, 2020
Looking for a co-founder for quantum random number generator (QRNG) spin-out
We are looking for a motivated executive who would boost the business development of Disorder Technologies. The perfect candidate is experienced in
working with startups, has a lot of contacts in telecom and cyber security industries and is skilled with fundraising.
working with startups, has a lot of contacts in telecom and cyber security industries and is skilled with fundraising.
Dino Solar Nikolić
Co-founder at Disorder Technologies
Copenhagen, Denmark
ServiceSeptember 30, 2020
Data Analysis and Optimization Services (Classical and Quantum Computing based)
BioDAC provides data analysis and optimization services. These are based on both classical computing platforms and (experimentally) on quantum
computing platforms.
computing platforms.
Jan BioDAC
Managing Partner at BioDAC
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands
PartnershipSeptember 30, 2020
Testing our quantum random number generator (QRNG)
We are interesting in engaging with an industry partner primarily for testing and giving necessary feedback for our PCIe form factor high-speed QRNG
prototype. QRNGs are the most mature within quantum technology spectrum of devices and systems. They are an important link in cyber security inf…
prototype. QRNGs are the most mature within quantum technology spectrum of devices and systems. They are an important link in cyber security inf…
Dino Solar Nikolić
Co-founder at Disorder Technologies
Copenhagen, Denmark